Friday, October 31, 2008

like seriously: chapter eleven

"there's no charge for awesomeness"

remember that cute line from Po, the Kungfu Panda? oh dang, we're just being totally random today. it must be the tiring weekend over at bijou's! nonetheless, we met lots of fun, crazy and beautiful people there! not forgetting about making friends with fellow vendors!
and most definitely, thank you, you lovely lovely darlings who bought stuff from us *hugs*

so, all that jazz about this new blog that compares prices and whatnots... well, us at like seriously just want to say that we're glad that you chose to shop with us and thank you for your unrelentless support. if you're unhappy with your purchases, our services and etc, please write us an email. we appreciate feedback from you just so we can serve you girls better. don't suffer in silence, yeah?

like vintage 247: rm18
moss green polka dot necktie
psst.. ties aren't just for nerds. seriously!

seriously new 253: rm47
tan light cotton zip jacket with hoodie
fits uk sizes 6-8
psst.. for days when it's not cool enough to summon heavy-duty sweaters
seriously new 254: rm43
auburn brown light cotton jacket
fits uk sizes 6-8
psst.. ready for sudden, unexpected gusts of wind!

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